Sunday, 12 October 2014

Progress Report: Winter is coming...

Hi there,

A bit later than expected after a dip into the Dettol antiseptic pot for starting again Sorscha is finished. 

Not sure if I will use her in the Smogcon as she loses some effectiveness when there are more models in the table that block line of sight during her feat, but, as she is the caster that comes with the starter box and I am using her in the Journeyman League at LVL UP I ended up painting her.

In the league she is using her cold manipulation skills to good use, freezing enemies left and right with her feat and winning all league games so far. This week it is going to be 25 points so we will see if she is still good enough. Also, I have learnt a few other tricks with her so I don't need to rely solely on her Wind Rush-Feat-Charge assassination combo. A very fun caster to play indeed.

Instead of going for the usual Khador scheme with her being mostly red with a few black details as in the picture above, I opted for a look more appropriate to the mistress of winter with a lot more white on it. My inspiration for the colour scheme was this picture I found on DeviantArt by FStitz.

So, without further ado, those are the pictures of the finished model.

Kommander Sorscha

As I did with the Juggernaut I am going to give my opinion on her and the painting process. Pictures ended up being a bit out of focus, maybe because of the glossy varnish I used to highlight the snow and ice.
  • Overall, I liked painting this model. The amount of detail was very high and probably I missed the opportunity to make some of them stand out more. 
  • I like how the hammer ended up looking, following the same technique I used on the Juggernaut's Ice Axe as the effect is the same (Freeze the target on a critical).
  • Not so sure about her face, I still need to practice more painting flesh and faces, I guess that means painting more infantry and less warjacks for a time.
  • The armour and cloak ended up looking better than I thought. The cloak itself was my first attempt and using the blending technique but it got ruined when a spoilt wash reacted somehow with the paint to lift it and left white splotches. 
  • Not too sure about the icicles on the base. They are made with transparent pearl crackle paint. You leave the paint to dry on a surface and it cracks a bit like ice. Then I drybrushed a bit of white on the edges. It's probably a bit fragile so if it ends up breaking easily I will remove them.
That's it. As I want to paint the models I am using in the Journeyman league, I guess the next ones will be the unit of snipers, the Widowmakers.


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