So, let's talk about the progress before the start of the blog. Not counting some colour scheme tests, the tally count so far is an astonishing 2 models! I must definitely increase the pace or this will never end on time.
Before showing the actual models let's talk a bit about inspiration. The official colour scheme from Privateer Press for the Khador army is mostly red.
And I like it, but would prefer to use a darker shade of red as a basis as the highlights would end up being a bit orange otherwise. So that is the first step of the plan, start from a reddish brown and highlight up to a bright red.
There are other sources of inspiration for the colour scheme I went with.
Personally, I don't like the "fresh from the factory" look. I prefer the model's armour to show some signs of damage, paint that has been chipped, some rust, and that in general shows that it has seen some action. That is why I loved the models I first saw on eBay from Tiny Worlds, definitely some of the best weathering I have seen on Khador models. I loved the addition of white parts to break the red monotony so much I decided I would steal that idea and incorporate it as well.
I had also seen some mostly white Khador models and I liked their looks so much as to struggle to decide if I wanted my army mostly red or mostly white. White has the advantage for weathering as if you go for chipping effects and rust, the contrast is way better than between rust and red. Another good example of this and good weathering as well is this model from RAMTRAZ.
Finally to add a third colour that is also very common in Khador armies I decided to go with black after seeing those models from Mike Mutiny in the Privateer Press forums. Those are probably one of the most perfectly executed and clean paint jobs I have seen. He has added some really effective weathering without overdoing it but is still a neat paint job, I am jealous :)
So, dark red-white-black it was. With heavy weathering. Let's start the show. The first model to be finished was:
Khador Destroyer Warjack
There have been a few issues with this model as it was the first done from start to finish. It ended up being darker than I was hoping for because of excessive darkening after applying the oil washes and the matt varnish. Also, as I was using some new techniques that I was learning I seriously blotched it when applying the dry pigments and ended up doing a mess that forced me to race to the bathroom to remove the excess with tap water and redoing most of the weathering, which didn't look as clean as the first time I had done them. Lessons learned and I hope to do it better on the next warjack.
The second model to be finished was:
Khador War Dog
The trusty canine companion preferred by all Khadoran warcasters. I am very happy with how this ended up looking.
So that is it so far. I plan to do The Old Witch of Khador and her companion Scrapjack for the next blog entry, hopefully sometime this week.
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